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CEO Resource Alliance kondigt vertrek aan

15 november 2018

Kort na het succesvolle IFC-congres vorige maand in Noordwijkerhout kondigt CEO Kyla Shawyer haar aftreden aan.

Kyla Shaywer, CEO van de Resource Alliance
Kyla Shaywer, CEO van de Resource Alliance

door Redactie Vf

Kort na het succesvolle IFC-congres vorige maand in Noordwijkerhout kondigt CEO Kyla Shawyer haar aftreden aan.

We brengen het bericht integraal.


Colleagues and Friends,

I hope this email finds each of you well, with a post-IFC glow, and already using new ideas—and new energy—to lead change in your organizations! (For those who have not been able to participate in our local IFC pop-ups, regional or global IFC this year, we will soon be sharing key insights and videos so stay tuned!).

My role as CEO of the Resource Alliance over these past 4 years has offered me great insight and first-hand experience at how incredibly challenging it can be to lead change, and how profoundly rewarding it is when meaningful change takes root.

Since we launched our Manifesto in 2015 - which you all helped us create - our journey has been unfolding as we have been making sense of a changing landscape, not just as a sector, but as part of a vibrant ecosystem of social good that comprises many other players.

Together, we are living up to the powerful promise of our Manifesto. We are having truly different conversations. We are thinking in new ways. Together, we have substantively enriched the content of IFCs, and dramatically grown our reach and impact with organizations of every size and type—across Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia.

Change has taken root. And all of it possible, because each of us have done amazing work—together.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have served the Resource Alliance as CEO through this period of its unique history and evolution and to have played a role in laying the foundation for the future vision and transformation of the organization. As the Resource Alliance builds on this foundation and moves into its next phase, I too am ready for a new set of transformational challenges focusing on the inspirational and collaborative work that fuels me as a change agent (and professional and leader and mum and wife and friend and human being – the multiple roles that we all play!)

As such, I have been working closely with my trustees to determine the right time for me to step aside and create a transition plan to ensure the organization and the community will continue to thrive under new leadership. Following a fantastic IFC, it feels like the right time has arrived. I am beginning a transition period (through January 2019) focusing on the strategic work necessary to ensure a smooth handover and advising the Board of Trustees as they work with members of our community to put the right people and plans in place to guarantee an ever-brighter future for the Resource Alliance.

This incredible community of changemakers, and the cause to which we are all committed, remains deeply important to me. My heart is full of good will and affection for the people and the work. I look forward to continuing the journey, in various capacities, as a vibrant and active part of the global fellowship of changemakers!

You’ll be hearing more from our board chair, Bill Toliver, in the coming days and weeks about the plan ahead, but I wanted to reach out to my beloved friends and colleagues personally to thank each of you from the bottom of my heart for the privilege of serving side-by-side with you.

With respect, gratitude, and love!

Kyla Shawyer



