Kom naar de Massive Fundraising Masterclass van Revolutionise om daar achter te komen.

Een ‘great fundraising leader’ spendeert slechts 50 procent van zijn tijd aan fondsenwerving, stellen de organisatoren. Vreemd? Nee, want het resultert in sprongsgewijze groei die zich jaar na jaar blijft voortzetten. “Great fundriasing leaders investeren vooral veel tijd in het “fundraisable” maken van hun organisatie.”
In de Masterclass van professor Adrian Sargeant en Alan Clayton wordt uiteengezet hoe jij je kwaliteiten kan inzetten om een ‘great fundraising leader’ te worden.
Having built an inspired team, a great leader will make sure that fundraising is at the heart of their organisation. They exert their influence to achieve increased investments and drive structural – and cultural – change. They know and show that fundraising can drive the mission of their charity.
So how do you become one of the greats? It seems almost impossible! Having studied them, we can say that we don’t call them great for no reason. The great fundraising leaders are talented individuals in their own right, but they have something else. They dare to dream. They are passionate about the cause, ambitious and determined to achieve.
We have been privileged enough to witness some very good fundraisers grow into truly great ones. Upping their game with astonishing results, once they know what to focus on, how to drive growth, and crucially, the ‘Why’ that drives them.
De Massive Fundraising Masterclass vindt plaats op 9 – 11 februari in Fort Augustus (UK).
Meld je hier aan! Lees ter voorbereiding alvast vooruit in het onderzoek van hoogleraren Filantropie Adrian Sargeant en Jen Shang : “What makes fundraising truly great?”