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MIC: Fondsenwerving met het bereik van social media en het gemak van een betaalverzoekje

IFC: Tips top-tien voor retentie van donateurs

22 oktober 2015

Op het IFC in Noordwijkerhout presenteerde Rupert Tappin van Decaid Consulting zijn tips top-tien voor effectieve rententie van donateurs met face-to-face-fondsenwerving.

door Redactie Vf

Tappin was te gast bij de Masterclass van Daryl Upsall (Daryl Upsall Consulting International) en David Cravinho (Unicef). In de Masterclass werd geconcludeerd dat face-to-face-fondsenwerving “recessievrij’ is gebleken. Mensen blijven ondanks economische neergang gevoelig voor persoonlijk contact, en blijven dus geven. was aanwezig bij de masterclass om de tips top-tien van Tappin te noteren:  

1. Effective fundraising management: clean data, well-managed teams, realistic expectations, the courage to innovate and a willingness to question everything are essential.

2. Don’t neglect payment reconciliation. The back-end donor processing facilities are really important. Lots of donors can be lost due to payments not being properly collected by the charity. Equally, the quicker the first payment is collected, the lower the attrition rate.

3. Choose a great agency. Work closely with them as a genuine partnership and hold each other accountable for what has been promised.

4. Think about your recruitment channel and payment method: understand the metrics and most effective comparisons to make. Not all campaigns are the same and will provide different results.

5. Plan the donor journey: what you will send to whom and when – including those who cancel their gift. Listen to your donors – give them the opportunity to upgrade or downgrade their donation, or give them a donation holiday.

6. Communicate with the donor in the way that suits them best – not what suits you best (i.e. the cheapest option). Keep their needs at the forefront of your mind.

7. Consider short-term gain v long-term pain: the best long-term donor isn’t necessarily the cheapest. Consider cost per recruit with return on investment.

8. Match reality with what is planned: break the obsession with a one year cycle – the success of regular giving should be determined by performance over five years and longer.

9. Tell the story: Build up the donor’s knowledge of the cause and continue the story that they were recruited on to help retain the donor and strengthen their loyalty to your cause.

10: Break down internal silos, particularly between the finance and database teams. Internal knowledge and understanding of F2F is critical for effective continuity of donor relationship.



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