Op vrijdagmiddag 18 september 2015 organiseren The Resource Alliance, IF-Academy, VFW Vakopleidingen Fondsenwerving én Vakblad Fondsenwerving alweer de 3e, en laatste, Vakbijeenkomst Professionele Fondsenwervers van 2015.

Deze zal wederom plaatsvinden in Theater Gooiland te Hilversum. Het theater is prima te bereiken met zowel auto als openbaar vervoer. Dit is een bijeenkomst die je niet mag missen als professionele fondsenwerver! Meld je daarom nu aan!
Het programma is als volgt:
12.30 – 13.30 uur Inloop met koffie/thee/fris en broodjeslunch
13.30 – 14.15 uur (Inter)nationale topspreker
14.30 – 15.30 uur Netwerkborrel
Over de spreker:
Prof. Jen Shang is a Philanthropic Psychologist and director of research at the Centre for Sustainable Philanthropy at Plymouth Business School . Her research and teaching focuses on the "Why"s in understanding the psychology of philanthropy as the only true way of enhancing its practice.
Her past research studies how identity (one's sense of who they are) influences giving and how giving enriches identity. This work has been published in journals including Economic Journal, Experimental Economics, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Marketing and Psychology and Nonprofit Management and Leadership. It has been awarded by the National Science Foundation, The Aspen Institute, the Corporation Public Broadcasting, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, the Hewlett Foundation and the Rockerfeller Foundation. This work has been covered in the BBC, New York Times, the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Advancing Philanthropy, Nonprofit Times, Professional Fundraising and the Third Sector. She is the author of Fundraising: Principles and Practice.
Jen is genuinely passionate about forging the link between academic research and professional practice and would see her research as contributing to the quality of nonprofit marketing/fundraising, increasing participation in philanthropy, and enhancing the quality of individual's philanthropic experience. She works with over 30 nonprofit organizations including internationally respected organizations such as American Red Cross, National Public Radio, NSPCC, Cancer Research UK and RSPCA.
Bron: Vakblad Fondsenwerving