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Tien hulporganisaties tekenen verklaring voor effectievere noodhulp

18 februari 2015

Vorige week organiseerden tien Nederlandse humanitaire organisaties de Nederlandse Humanitaire Top in Den Haag. Daar werd volop gedebatteerd over de vraag: hoe kun je de hulp bij crises en natuurrampen verbeteren? Ter afsluiting tekende de tien organisaties een verklaring waarin ze negen aanbevelingen voor effectieve noodhulp doen.

door Redactie Vf

De organisaties hebben hun negen aanbevelingen voor effectievere noodhulp overhandigd aan Robert Smith van de World Humanitarian Summit. Smith neemt deze aanbevelingen mee als Nederlandse inbreng voor de wereldtop in 2016 in Istanbul.

Deelnemende organisaties

De tien hulporganisaties die zich committeren aan de slotverklaring en hem hebben ondertekend zijn: CARE Nederland, Cordaid, HealthNetTPO, ICCO en Kerk in Actie, het Nederlandse Rode Kruis, Oxfam Novib, Stichting Vluchteling, Save the Children, War Child en ZOA.

De negen aanbevelingen

1. Step up our efforts to support local partners in strengthening their capacities to deliver timely and impartial humanitarian aid with respect for the legitimate roles of national actors in responding to humanitarian crises;

 2. Strengthen our capacities in emergency response in the immediate aftermath of an emergency, be better prepared for humanitarian work in very insecure environments, and stepping up our efforts to improve access to people in need by advancing the respect for humanitarian principles and international humanitarian law;

3. Strengthen coordination and cooperation in humanitarian response and evaluate the effects of the multiple roles of the UN and UN coordination in situations of conflict for access to people in need and effective and accountable delivery of aid;

4. Ensure participation of and accountability to affected communities of humanitarian programming during all stages of preparedness, relief and recovery;

5. Initiate recovery programming as soon as possible during the relief phase and work as organisations and with donors to better link humanitarian relief efforts with recovery and development and ensure the continuity of basic services to affected communities;

6. Step up our efforts to provide aid to displaced people in urban settings in order to reflect the reality that more than 50% of refugees and displaced now live in cities;

7. Promote gender sensitive humanitarian aid and context specific approaches that promote women and girls’ empowerment over their own lives from the first stages of a humanitarian response;

 8. Promote attention for children and youth as a group with specific needs in humanitarian response and thus tackling the growing problem of ‘Lost generations’;

9. Step up our cooperation with private partners and academia to develop innovative solutions in humanitarian programming;

Bron: Humanity House


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