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Bob Dylan roept de superrijken op meer te doen voor hun land.

23 januari 2015

Hij geeft zelden interviews. Maar ter gelegenheid van zijn nieuwe cd 'Shadows in the Night, sprak Bob Dylan met hoofdredacteur Robert Love van AARP The Magazine. Natuurlijk gaat het gesprek voornamelijk over muziek. Maar toen er over geluk gesproken werd, richtte hij zich tot de rijken:

door Redactie Vf

"(...) How can a person be happy if he has misfortune? Some wealthy billionaire who can buy 30 cars and maybe buy a sports team, is that guy happy? What then would make him happier? Does it make him happy giving his money away to foreign countries? Is there more contentment in that than in giving it here to the inner cities and creating jobs? The government’s not going to create jobs. It doesn’t have to.

People have to create jobs, and these big billionaires are the ones who can do it. We don’t see that happening. We see crime and inner cities exploding with people who have nothing to do, turning to drink and drugs. They could all have work created for them by all these hotshot billionaires. For sure that would create lot of happiness. Now, I’m not saying they have to — I’m not talking about communism — but what do they do with their money? Do they use it in virtuous ways?"

Lees hier het volledige interview.

Bron: AARP The Magzine


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